

50plus50 Club


50plus50 Club uses so-called Cookies, pieces of information placed on your device, and which are read by internet servers each time you visit a website. Cookies contain a variety of information that is often necessary for the website to work properly. Cookies are encrypted in such a way that unauthorized persons do not have access to them. Information collected on the basis of cookies can be read only by 50plus50 and - for technical reasons - trusted partners whose technology we use.

What types of cookies do we use?

We divide cookies according to the purpose for which we use them - either basic or marketing.

  1. Basic cookies – installed if the user has agreed with the software settings installed on his / her end device that do not allow your identification. These are not your personal data. As part of basic cookies, we distinguish between technical and analytical:

  • Technical cookies – they are necessary for the website to work properly. We use them to:

    • provide your session when you visit and log in to the website
    • ensure the page is properly displayed - depending on which device you use
    • adapt our services to your settings which have technical importance for the operation of the website, e.g. a default language
  • Analytical cookies – are necessary to reconcile accounts with our business partners or measure the effectiveness of our marketing activities without identifying personal data and to improve the functioning of our website. These do not contain personal data. We use them to:

    • examine statistics on general website traffic and check traffic sources
    • detect various types of abuse, e.g. artificial Internet traffic (bots)
    • measure - without identifying personal data - the effectiveness of actions carried out on our behalf, e.g. on the Google advertising network, in partner programs or on external websites
  1. Marketing cookies – only installed on the user's end device when they agree, because they contain personal data by means of which:

  • advertisements displayed both on external websites and on our website are tailored according to your preferences and your choices of services, based on data already available, including the behaviour of users on our website

Detailed information about cookies, systems and partners we use:

What if you do not agree to basic, technical cookies?

You can always change your browser settings and reject requests to install cookies. However, before you decide to change your settings, please note that cookies improve your experience of using the site. Disabling cookies can affect how our website is displayed by your browser. In some cases, the page may not be displayed at all.

Technical cookies are necessary to use our website. If you block them completely, you will not be able to log in to our website. We use cookies to establish, maintain and secure a user session on a given website.

You can delete cookies from your browser at any time and block the possibility of reinstalling them.

Depending on the browser you use, the option to remove or withdraw consent for installing cookies may vary. More information about cookies is available in the "Help" tab of your web browser.

What if you do not agree to basic, analytical cookies?

In order to improve the technical quality of the 50plus50 Club website, Google's Analytics tools are used. If you do not want your personal data to be processed by Google, you can use the Google tools available at: https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout.

What if you do not agree to marketing cookies?

If you agree to cookies, then we will be able to use information about your behaviour on our website in order to tailor adverts to your needs, including profiling. If you would like us to stop collecting this information - just delete cookies from your device, e.g. computer, smartphone or tablet. Marketing cookies will be valid until you delete them using your browser’s settings, that is the previously expressed consent to data processing is withdrawn. However, advertisements of a general nature will continue to be displayed on our website as well as on other websites.

We use Google's technology to display advertisements on the Internet, you can also specify whether you agree to profiling advertisements on the Internet at: https://myaccount.google.com/privacycheckup.

Other information related to the processing of your data collected by marketing cookies

The administrator of your personal data is 50plus50 Ltd with its registered office in 5 London Road, Tooting Broadway, SW17 9JR London, United Kingdom, registered under the number: 8594982 (further 50plus50).

Your personal data will be processed for purposes related to the tailoring of advertising to your individual needs, including profiling, based on art. 6 par. 1 point a) of GDPR (i.e. according to your consent).

You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time by changing your browser settings, which does not affect the legality of the processing made before your consent was withdrawn.

Your data will be made available, in cases provided for by law, to other entities that participate in the provision of services provided by 50plus50, and Partners specified above.

You have the right to lodge a complaint with the Supervisory Body in the Member State of: your habitual residence, your place of work or the place where the alleged violation occurred. This complaint can be made to the Information Commissioner's Office in the UK or any other responsible offices in EU countries, when you consider that the processing of your personal data violates applicable provisions on the protection of personal data.

Providing personal data by you is voluntary, but necessary to implement the above marketing objectives. If you do not provide it, we will be unable to provide marketing functionalities offered by marketing cookies used by our website.

Your data will be used for automated decision making (including profiling), which will allow us to adapt advertisements to your individual needs.

Your data may be transferred to a third country or an international organization to ensure the continuing functionality of the 50plus50 Club website.